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Why I Value Public Education

Wisconsin public education is an incredible thing. Over 98,000 men and women putting up with long hours, endless grading, and crazy children. Why do they do it? Because they love their jobs. They believe that imparting knowledge in children and young adults is one of the most important tasks in the world today. They are absolutely correct. A child’s brain does not fully develop until he/she is 25 years of age. It is completely necessary that they learn what they need to know before they reach that age. Of course, the teaching must be rationed properly. Teaching calculus to a six-year-old is not the best route to take. Although they have to undergo years of extra education, public teachers love their profession. It is also their primary focus in life. Teaching is not  a career that you just have waiting in the wings if you stumble on your current career. It is your full-frontal career, from the moment you start teaching school. Take my first-year history teacher, Ms. Golden. She went through eight years of extra schooling before beginning teaching. Eight years! That what I call dedication. Public school teachers love their work. You kind of have to love it if you put up with thirty underage people who are usually bouncing off the walls.

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